Verify that all your worker nodes are healthy
Stop the kubelet process on the worker1
Check the status of worker1
Restart the kubelet process on worker1 and make sure everything is fine
- Verify that all your worker nodes are healthy
List the nodes and make sure they all have the status Ready
k get no
Describe the worker nodes to get additional information
k describe node worker1
- Stop the kubelet process on the worker1
First run a shell on worker1, then stop kubelet (it is managed by systemd)
sudo systemctl stop kubelet
Make sure it is correctly stopped
sudo systemctl status kubelet
- Check the status of worker1
From the list of node, worker1 should appear as NotReady
k get no
Describing worker1 yoy should see the node as an unknown status (NodeStatusUnknown)
k describe node worker1
- Restart the kubelet process on worker1 and make sure everything is now fine
First run a shell on worker1, then start kubelet
sudo systemctl start kubelet
Make sure it is correctly started
sudo systemctl status kubelet
Listing the node or describing worker1 you should see everything is back to normal