
  1. Get the kubelet logs on one of your cluster’s worker nodes

  2. Check the logs of the control-plane components

  3. Where are the control-plane log files located ?

  1. Get the kubelet logs on one of your cluster’s worker nodes

From a shell on the node:

sudo journalctl -u kubelet
  1. Check the logs of the control-plane components

If your control plane node is named controlplane, then you can get the logs using the following commands:

# API server
k -n kube-system logs kube-apiserver-controlplane

# Controller Manager
k -n kube-system logs kube-controller-manager-controlplane

# Scheduler
k -n kube-system logs kube-scheduler-controlplane

# etcd
k -n kube-system logs etcd-controlplane
  1. Where are the control-plane log files located ?

The log files of the control-plane components are located under /var/log/pods/ on the control plane node.

ls /var/log/pods

Note: /var/log/pods also contains the log files of any other pods running on the node