:warning: This exercise requires a specific configuration and cannot be performed outside of supervised training.
- Install the NGinx ingress controller with Helm
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm install ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.9.1
What is the type of Service exposing the ingress controller ?
Add a Load Balancer to expose the Ingress Controller
Note: run the setup-lb.sh
script located in the $HOME directory of your host machine
- Create a pod named ghost based on the ghost:4 image and expose it with a ClusterIP service
Note: l’application ghost écoute sur le port 2368
- Create an ingress resource that expose the above service on ghost.ADMIN_VM_IP.nip.io
Note: ADMIN_VM_IP is the IP address of your admin VM
Verify you can access the ghost web interface from the outside
Delete the ingress resource, the pod and the service
- Install the NGinx ingress controller with Helm
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm install ingress ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.9.1
- What is the type of Service exposing the ingress controller ?
The ingress controller is exposed with a LoadBalancer type service
k get svc ingress-ingress-nginx-controller
This service cannot get an external IP address as the cluster is not managed by a cloud provider.
- Add a Load Balancer to expose the Ingress Controller
The following command runs a HAProxy container on the host machine:
This container acts as a load balancer in front of your worker nodes and exposes the Ingress Controller via ${ADMIN_VM_IP}.nip.io
- Create a pod named ghost based on the ghost:4 image and expose it with a ClusterIP service
k run ghost --image=ghost:4 --port 2368 --expose
- Create an ingress resource that expose the above service on ghost.ADMIN_VM_IP.nip.io
In this example the public IP adress of the host machine is
cat <<EOF | k apply -f -
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: ingress
ingressClassName: nginx
- host: ghost.$ADMIN_VM_IP.nip.io
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: ghost
number: 2368
- Verify you can access the ghost web interface from the outside
The ghost web interface can be accessed using the ghost.ADMIN_VM_IP.nip.io domain name (this one is resolved by nip.io)
- Delete the ingress resource, the pod and the service
k delete ingress/ingress
k delete pod/ghost svc/ghost