
  1. Make sure user thomas can list the Pods cluster wide

  2. Make sure user thomas can create a port-forward on all the Pods in the dev Namespace

  3. Make sure user thomas can create, list, get, update, delete the Deployments in the dev Namespace

  4. Make sure user patrick can manage (all actions) the Deployment named www in the dev Namespace

  5. Delete the Role / ClusterRole / RoleBinding / ClusterRoleBinding created as well as the dev Namespace.


  1. Make sure user thomas can list the Pods cluster wide

Start by creating a ClusterRole allowing to list the Pods in the entire cluster:

k create clusterrole list-pods --verb list --resource pods 

Associate the ClusterRole to thomas via a ClusterRoleBinding

k create clusterrolebinding thomas-list-pods --clusterrole list-pods --user thomas


k auth can-i list pods --as thomas
  1. Make sure user thomas can create a port-forward on all the Pods in the dev Namespace

First create the dev namespace

k create ns dev

Create the Role:

k create role port-forward --verb create --resource pods/forward --namespace dev 

Associate the Role to thomas via a RoleBinding

k create rolebinding thomas-port-forward --role port-forward --user thomas --namespace dev


k auth can-i create pods --subresource=forward --as thomas --namespace dev 
  1. Make user user thomas can create, list, get, update, delete the Deployments in the dev Namespace

Create the Role:

k create role manage-deployment --verb create,list,get,update,delete --resource deployments.apps --namespace dev 

Associate the Role to thomas via a RoleBinding

k create rolebinding thomas-manage-deployment --role manage-deployment --user thomas --namespace dev


k auth can-i create deployments.apps --as thomas --namespace dev
  1. Make sure user patrick can manage (all actions) the Deployment named www in the dev Namespace

Create a role that allows to manage the deployment named www:

k create role manage-www-deployment --verb="*" --resource=deployment.apps --resource-name=www -n dev

Associate that role to user patrick:

k create rolebinding patrick-manage-www-deployment --user=patrick --role=manage-www-deployment -n dev


k auth can-i "*" deploy/www --as patrick -n dev
  1. Delete the Role / ClusterRole / RoleBinding / ClusterRoleBinding created as well as the dev namespace.
k delete rolebinding patrick-manage-www-deployment thomas-manage-deployment thomas-port-forward
k delete role manage-www-deployment manage-deployment port-forward 
k delete clusterrolebinding thomas-list-nodes
k delete clusterrole list-nodes
k delete ns dev