Minikube is a solution that allows you to run a Kubernetes cluster locally, either in virtual machines or Docker containers.
1. Download the Binary
From the following link Minikube Start, provide the details of your local environment and download the corresponding binary using the provided commands.
The example below shows the commands necessary to download Minikube for a MacOS / Apple Silicon environment.
2. Launching
:fire: There are many launch options available; you can list them with the command minikube start --help
Example 1: Single-node Cluster
The following command launches Minikube:
minikube start
Your kubectl client has automatically been configured to communicate with the cluster just created. You can list the single node with the following command:
kubectl get node
Example 2: Cluster with 3 Nodes
The following command launches a 3-node cluster:
minikube start --nodes 3
As before, the nodes can be listed with the following command:
kubectl get no
4. Deletion
To destroy a cluster set up with Minikube, simply run the following command:
minikube delete