This section present the script, also available on, which allows to create a k8s cluster using kubeadm. It can be used with the default options as follows:
curl | bash -s
It performs the following actions:
- creation of 2 Ubuntu VMs using Multipass
- installation of the required packages on each VM (kubeadm, containerd, …)
- cluster initialization on the control-plane VM
- join a worker node
It takes a couple of minutes to create the cluster depending upon the number of worker nodes (the script could probably be optimized a bit so that some actions run in parallel).
Once the creation is done you just need to configure your local kubectl with the command provided in the output:
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.cfg
Then you can use this newly created cluster and start by listing the nodes (it can take a few tens of seconds for the nodes to reach the Ready status):
kubectl get no
You can download this script and use it locally if you prefer. You can get the available options running it without parameters:
Once you’re done using the cluster you can destroy it as follows:
curl | bash -s -- -D
or if you have retrieved the script locally
./ -D