Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) allows you to deploy a Kubernetes cluster where each node of the cluster runs within a Docker container.
To use it, you simply need to install Docker and the kind binary. This binary can be installed via a package manager or by downloading the pre-built binary. The different installation options are presented in the documentation.
Once installed, you can view the list of available commands with the following command:
You’ll get a result similar to the one below:
kind creates and manages local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container 'nodes'
kind [command]
Available Commands:
build Build one of [node-image]
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash, zsh or fish)
create Creates one of [cluster]
delete Deletes one of [cluster]
export Exports one of [kubeconfig, logs]
get Gets one of [clusters, nodes, kubeconfig]
help Help about any command
load Loads images into nodes
version Prints the kind CLI version
-h, --help help for kind
--loglevel string DEPRECATED: see -v instead
-q, --quiet silence all stderr output
-v, --verbosity int32 info log verbosity, higher value produces more output
--version version for kind
Use "kind [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Creating a Single-Node Cluster
Run the following command to create a cluster (only one node in this case) within a few seconds:
kind create cluster --name k8s
Kind has automatically created a context and set it as the current context for our kubectl client.
$ kubectl config get-contexts
* kind-k8s kind-k8s kind-k8s
We can then list the nodes in the cluster (only one here):
kubectl get nodes
HA Cluster
Kind also allows you to set up a multi-node cluster by using a configuration file. For example, the following file (config.yaml) defines a cluster with 3 nodes: 1 master and 2 workers.
# config.yaml
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
To set up this new cluster, simply specify the configuration file in the create command parameters.
kind create cluster --name k8s-2 --config config.yaml
As before, Kind has automatically created a context and set it as the current context.
$ kubectl config get-contexts
kind-k8s kind-k8s kind-k8s
* kind-k8s-2 kind-k8s-2 kind-k8s-2
We can then list the nodes, which now total 3 in this new cluster:
kubectl get nodes
The following command lists the clusters that have been created:
kind get clusters
This command should return the following list:
To delete a cluster created with Kind, simply run the command kind delete cluster --name CLUSTER_NAME
The following commands will delete the two clusters created earlier:
kind delete cluster --name k8s
kind delete cluster --name k8s-2