The VotingApp was originally created by Docker, it’s an application mainly used for demos and follows a microservices architecture.
While this application may not adhere to all architectural best practices, it serves as a great example of an application utilizing multiple languages, various databases, and is an excellent way to learn concepts related to Docker and Kubernetes.
The VotingApp consists of 7 microservices as illustrated in the following diagram:
- vote-ui: A Vue.js frontend that allows users to choose between Cat and Dog
- vote: A backend API built with Python / Flask
- redis: A database where votes are stored
- worker: A service that retrieves votes from Redis and stores the results in a Postgres database
- db: The Postgres database where vote results are stored
- result: A backend that sends the scores to a user interface via websocket
- result-ui: An Angular frontend that displays the voting results
The container images for each microservice are available in the DockerHub. The images’ tag follow a Semantic Version (vX.Y.Z).
This application can be deployed on an existing cluster as follows:
kubectl apply -f
All the Voting App components are created in the namespace vote. Frontend components are exposed through NodePort Services on the following ports:
Component | NodePort |
Vote interfate | 31001 |
Result interface | 31002 |
If an Ingress controller is running:
- the vote interface can be accessed on
- the result interface can be accessed on
Feel free to explore the application code