Imperative commands
The recommanded way to create resources in Kubernetes is by using YAML file. YAML provides a declarative approach, making it easier to manage the configuration. However, if you’re working on a local cluster and need a quicker solution, you can use kubectl imperative commands like kubectl create
Examples of Imperative Commands
- creating a Deployment with 5 Pod replicas
kubectl create deploy my-dep --image=nginx:1.24 --replicas=5
- creating a Job
kubectl create job my-job --image=busybox -- echo "Hello, Kubernetes!"
- creating a Pod and exposing it with a ClusterIP Service at the same time
kubectl run ghost --image=ghost:4 --port=2368 --expose
Feel free to explore and use these commands, you can get the list with kubectl create --help
, to get a clearer view of all the available options.
Also, from these imperative commands you can easily retrieve the YAML specification of a resource using the options --dry-run=client -o yaml
. The example below allows creates a Pod specification in pod.yaml
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.20 --dry-run=client -o yaml > pod.yaml
If you’re preparing for a Kubernetes certification, knowing these commands will definitely help you to save time and to get a higher score :)